Think about that moment when you first became aware that you actually ARE, and began looking around, listening to voices, and basically trying to figure out where you were and who you were with. It probably seemed like a fog was lifting, as things started to come more into focus and your awareness grew, to the very point that you are right now, in this moment of time. Since that first moment, you have heard many voices and followed and embraced some, while rejecting those that don't adhere to those that you continue to follow.
So, this begs these questions. What if those voices that you follow are wrong? What if they keep you enslaved within your own mind? What if those that you reject will bring you freedom? Is there anything that you have become aware of, that wasn't told to you by another, who also began in that fog? Think about it. Is there anything that you believe to be a fact, that you have never heard anyone say? If that isn't so, I suggest that you take another look at how your facts are determined. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he"...Proverbs 23:7 What do you believe in your heart? Whatever that is, it is being played out in your life. Maybe it is time to find out what voice that you are listening to.
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