MY REAL ESTATE WORLD TODAY Just for full disclosure, this is being written on March 17,2016, but I do have the understanding that I have the power to determine what my future will be, by deciding to do it, in the present.(NOW) I also understand, that I am not in control of the time left to do my work, but I need to be in control of my time spent, getting rid of “time wasters” and focusing on those things that matter most, to help manifest whatever has been decided in the spirit world. Those things that are decided in spirit must be shown in the physical world. That is true in things that help me along the way and those that drag me down. I must make certain that I remain open and flexible, while seeking guidance from my Source. If that is the case, then I must step out in faith, in each choice made, and proceed without doubt and fear, knowing it is done. I realize that I will find myself doing certain things that aren’t real comfortable for me, at least at the beginning, but I will continue on, as long as I know that I am connected with my Source. I will now begin to write out what my real estate world looks like today, March 17, 2019. For the most part, this is my 3 year real estate business goal, but it is much greater than that. This will be the first time that I have truly consciously chosen what my day looked like this far into the future, with my step by step plan of action to get there.(here) After I have dared to write down some pretty incredible stuff for me to be enjoying today, I will write what I am willing to pay for it. There is a price for everything, lest I ever forget that. Then I will write what I plan to do, starting tomorrow morning, for the next year of my life in the pursuit of those accomplishments 3 years hence. Once I know what must be accomplished the first year, I will determine what must be done in the first month, starting tomorrow morning. When the first month is determined, I will plan out my weekly schedule, then daily off that. This will be accomplished today, in the NOW, and realized today, March 17, 2019.
My notes while watching this video: Trust in my nature Become curious about what I am afraid of. I don't have to be in control. Shift from control to trust. Let go and let God. Shift from my sense of entitlement, such as: (nobody can treat me that way.), to radical humility. 80%-20% rule. We only use 20% of what we have. Give away 80%. Then take something that I really like and give that away. When my cup is full, stop pouring. Move from thinking in a rigid way, to thinking and being flexible, soft, and allow it. From rigidity to softness. Think small, not big, and do big things. One day at a time Change from seeing myself separate, to seeing myself connected with everybody and everything in the universe. |
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