Well, the end of my work week is here and now it is time to reflect on what has been accomplished this week. With 21 days to go to make sure I complete my first month's Action Plan, I surely have much work to do, in a relatively short time. One thing I do know. This labor of love that I have embarked on is a done deal. Now I am just enjoying being involved as it all plays out. It really is a joy to be doing a labor of love each day. I am not sure why it took me so long to get here, but I'm not going to dwell on that. I am just so thankful that I am here, at this period of life, having been so blessed and now I have been giving all my time to be a blessing to others. I don't have to wake up and dread the day, because I have to go to a job that I hate and feel that I am doing nothing to help my brothers and sisters. It was even more bothersome that I felt that there was very little purpose in my existence and it was an existence and not living, as my Creator expected of me. It is time to enjoy some friends and family time and then write my daily action plan for next week. I hope all have a great Sunday and may all who read this feel the love a long time.
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What is the biggest reason that we don't take action? Any ideas? My guess? Procrastination! It makes sense to me anyway. Okay, I will get back to this blog just as soon as I can. Probably tomorrow. May all who read this have an awesome day and feel the love all day.
Vincent It seems that I am falling a little behind. I am looking at what I have accomplished, since I have begun this journey and I am unable to find any measurable progress. I have been reading my new book, "30 Days to Real Estate Cash", by Dean Graziosi, but I am now 5 days into this commitment and I just seem to be jumping from one thing to another. I have no way of really knowing what I have accomplished, to this point. It is really, for the most part, the way that I have lived my life, What is the problem? My mindset is really good. I stay in a positive vibration and I am emotional attached to an idea that has become an ideal. So why haven't I seen any results yet? Oh, that thing. That thing that I have been hearing about. That thing that I haven't done yet. Oh, so now I know the problem. I don't have a plan. Well, before this day is over, my goals will be written. A 5 year plan. A 1 year plan. A set of goals to be accomplished by Jan 1st. A set of goals to be accomplished by Dec. 1st. Then a plan of action for each week for the rest of this month and a plan of action for the rest of this week, including what to do when I awaken in the morning. Well, I know what needs to be done today. Off to it and I hope all that read this have, just an awesome day and that you feel much love today.
Vincent Today is the 88th birthday of my mother. Happy birthday, Mom. Today is also my 1st post on my blog.The first thing that I want to talk about is mindset. I have come to realize that without the proper mindset, it is impossible to accomplish anything of value. I have been watching Bob Proctor's Born Rich Seminar and wow, it is powerful. He and John Kanary explain in great depth, how mindset can and needs to be changed. I am convinced that our results are in direct correlation with our mindset. It is so important that our paradigm is built on truth. Once we realize that we are really a spiritual being, within a body, then we start to realize what is within us and what can be done through us. This is an awesome day and I hope all who read this feel the love today.
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