At one time in my life, I believed that I was a fast learner and a good worker and always professed thus, during my many job interviews. Now, I really believed this, until I started to play video games with my wife. We would buy a game and start to play it together in competition and I started to feel shame, as Theresa would excel, making sure she captured everything possible, while I was still struggling to get off the earlier boards. That is when I started to realize that I was in fact, a slow learner. Eventually after many hours of playing, I was better than her in various type boards and she excelled in others, but in the end, I mastered them. I never gave up and paid the price of my time and commitment and realized victory. I have come to realize that whenever we set our mind on an idea and become emotionally attached to that idea and act on it with conviction, we will never be denied. Now I think that I have known that truth for many years, but the why was always the sticking point for me. Why wasn't I realizing success in my financial situation? I knew that I was as intelligent as some of those that were kicking it in the business world. Now I did start to realize that I had started with conviction several times, but each time I stopped and went back to my comfort zone. This really troubled me, but what troubled me the most was, why? Why didn't I keep going? Why did I stop? Was it fear of success/failure? Was I just lazy? Why didn't I love my family enough to do what I knew that I could do for them? Weren't they enough of a reason? Yes, but........I didn't know why. I did not know why I didn't do it. I spent many years searching for that answer and felt much shame within, but I thank God, I now have the answer and I am overjoyed on a daily basis, because the battle has been won and all I need to do now, is enjoy my birthright. Now every day is a labor of love, as long as I never lose sight of my goal. May all who may read this, feel the love and I will be posting the many things that I learn along the way, that help me to stay on course, no matter what is in my path to overcome and master this game called life. I have started a "How To" tab for any that might want to follow along and I pray that I am a blessing to all. Vincent
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