I feel to share some things with those that are ready to receive them. Let's discuss different states of being that you, me, and others are living in. Some of the names are awake(awakening), enlightened, woke, surface level person, and survivor. Some confuse awake and woke thinking they are the same, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Awakened people grow in the spirit of love and woke people live in the spirit of fear. People that are awake come to the awareness that we are all one(duality does not exist) and woke people have an us/them mentality with fear driving all of their agendas, as they try to defeat their enemies.
Now while this is all going on, there are "surface level people" that are only aware of what they can see and touch and many are quite content to remain in that state, as long as they are considered successful in this world's work. Others around them are just trying to "hold on" until they face death and look forward to going to the "other side" where all their problems are over. Let's not discuss the other "other side" place. The state of being that each is in, determines what type of life the human being lives. I want to share my journey beginning in 2011. I was going to a Christian Church with my family, but started to question some of my beliefs that I had been taught. One major one was the teaching of praying a prayer and you will be saved or if you don't you will live in eternal torture, but do realize that God loves you. I set out to seek truth, but not through man, a book, or figuring it out myself. Having experienced the changing power of God in 1989, a few months after laying on the ground and surrendering my life to Him, I felt that my Source was the best place to find it. I stopped going to church, although my family continued to go, and I spent that time seeking the Spirit within for truth. I dared to suspend all of my beliefs and to ask the Holy Spirit to "lead me into all truth". This has continued on to this day and I surely don't live in a state of mind today as I did back then. My awareness has been growing to an extent that is almost unimaginable. There is a worldwide movement that is happening, with love at the center, but it seems that well over half of the people in the world are unaware of it. Those people are called "asleep"(you are not one of them are you?}, and trying to wake them up is quite discouraging much of the time, but as long as we only share love in everything we say and do, we stay on the mark. Without a doubt there is a great change taking place in the community of those becoming awake, and that is in the hearts, minds, and lives of those that are receiving it. Only through total surrender is it possible to live in this state of being. So my question to you is, what state of being do you live in? I profess to be becoming awakened, while growing in awareness of truth within and defeating my only enemy(fear) with unconditional love. Please share yourself with me and others, so we can all learn together.
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