Unless or until, you come to the realization that you are an eternal soul, living within a temporal body, the things that I am about to speak about will be foreign to you. Who am I? Remember the age old question? Most people have some sort of answer to that question, but many are not willing to pay the price to find out who they really are. Who are you? Have you allowed the Light of liberty to search deep within you and disclose to you, who you really are? It doesn't matter one iota who someone else says that you are. Their words or beliefs don't change who you are, although if you allow these things to enter your subconscious mind, you may believe what they say is so.
I continue to search for my spiritual DNA, to find my Greatness and who I am. It's not in the gut. It's not really in the mind. It's in the spiritual DNA. The reason it is not realized by people is because it's blocked. We can easily see and feel the spiritual DNA with a newborn baby. The child just IS. As the baby grows into adulthood, this DNA is not as evident many times. Things, people, circumstances, beliefs, habits, and many other things corrode the connection and we don't see it, feel it, or even know what our spiritual DNA is. Therefore, we must become "born again" and become as a child again to realize our spiritual DNA. Our mind is renewed and we are a new creation. This is only done when we surrender to the Universe, to be whatever we were created to be. Then our Greatness will be realized, because we just ARE.
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