I see that most of you have not figured it out yet, that this is all just a show. Trump is a game show host puppet master and the game is to take total control of your mind. Ironically, I am thinking that Biden might even be playing his character better. Are you not able to see this divide and conquer strategy yet?
"Whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these"
Do you believe in Him? If so, you should be doing greater things than he did, wouldn't you say? Actually, didn't he say? No action or law is enacted by the government with the purpose of keeping you safe.
Everything is perpetrated with the purpose of more wealth and control. Prove me wrong! The anguish that we feel from the loss of a loved one, has a direct correlation with how deep our relationship was with them and they with us.
It seems that if we were to ask if the mind and the brain are the same thing, that we should also ask if the body and the spirit are the same thing.
From a man's perspective, it seems that when being attracted and drawn to a female, that it is done through "their look". Their sexual look and their always look affect us in a remarkably different way.
It seems that this about says it all.
All is well Everything is working out for my highest good Out of this situation only good will come I am safe - Louise Hay When we begin to think about the past in our minds, then immediately begin to think about the future, does that sometimes create anxiety in the present?
Learn the secret of those who lie in bed awake, while they dream things true. They know how to live in their own dream house, until in fact they do. - Neville Goddard
Are we responsible for what we dream about when we sleep, the questioner asked.
Well, it seems to me that if we are responsible for what we do in the day, then we would also be responsible for what we do in the night. I need to ponder on this for a bit more. Can we just decide that we are going to love someone and do? On the flip side, can we decide that we aren't going to love someone and stop loving them?
Are we able to decide, "I'm going to believe that?"
Maybe there really aren't different types of love, but when love is mixed with various emotions, it appears to be different.
Since we, as life travelers, can't even come close to an agreement on the present moment, what makes anyone think they have the answer to the hereafter?
Knowing something has precious little value compared to Being something.
When I was younger and heard people say that they were on a "fixed income", I thought that was something that happened to people when they retired from the work force. Now I realize that for most, it is a choice, especially with the innovation of the internet.
"One of the rules for being untouchable to evil is to desire no evil for anyone else. Evil can only operate where evil is believed in or desired for oneself or another" -Rev Ike
"I am truly the one who heals all the sick and lame, and will always be there for each one that desires me. Each one must go their own way and only they are the one that chooses their own path. It is only by their own will that they are able to achieve anything of value in this life. Who are they to judge what is right and what is good? My hand is always on them, whether they are doing good or bad. Who are they to judge even that?"
A smart phone is the umbilical cord to our "owners" and meditation is the umbilical cord to our Source.
If I do or say exactly the same thing to two different people and both don't like it, but one gets mad and the other doesn't, did I make the one mad and not the other?
"There is nothing so bad, as a good excuse. The better the excuse, the worse it is."
Step #1 Find out who you really are.
Step #2 Once you know who you really are, surrender yourself to the Universe. Note: (You may have to suspend all your beliefs before you are able to complete step 1). When you ask God for something, and believe that you have received, without doubting, like the Bible says to do, why would you ask again? I suspect the answer would be that you don't believe that you have received.
If you are at peace on the inside, you are peace on the outside, no matter what happens. If you are in turmoil on the inside, you can be certain that is what you will have happen on the outside, or at least believe that it did or will. Are you able to understand where the work must be done?
May 2024
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