Step #1 Find out who you really are.
Step #2 Once you know who you really are, surrender yourself to the Universe. Note: (You may have to suspend all your beliefs before you are able to complete step 1).
When you ask God for something, and believe that you have received, without doubting, like the Bible says to do, why would you ask again? I suspect the answer would be that you don't believe that you have received.
If you are at peace on the inside, you are peace on the outside, no matter what happens. If you are in turmoil on the inside, you can be certain that is what you will have happen on the outside, or at least believe that it did or will. Are you able to understand where the work must be done?
The only thing that I'm going to give you is good and the only thing that I'm going to let you give me is good.
If we ARE love, then we ARE love to all.
It matters not how awesome or despicable another is. Or how wonderful or horrible they have been to us or others. We as love, ARE love to them. Unconditional love IS perfect love and casts out all fear. Fear is only the absence of love, just like darkness is the absence of light. Love overcomes fear, just like light overcome darkness. The opposite is never true.
Guess what??? You are not getting out alive!! There I said it. Now go on with the time you have left and stop living in fear. Live in the moment, think only good thoughts, take chances, and don't let anybody steal your peace.
"I AM the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
Probably we can credit the Holy Spirit with those words. Especially since the Holy Spirit is the one who convicts of sin and draws people to God. Also, Jesus did not speak on his own, only what he was told by the Father after he received the Holy Spirit. We will soon know how many have already drawn their line in the sand and will not conform at any cost. Next it will be time for anyone that receives a check from the US Treasury to make their decision. Hello, SS recipients. Have you drawn your line in the sand or are you going to conform? This is not about just one shot. This is about every shot they desire to mandate. If you don't take the 11th, you will conform or lose your financial means of survival. Of course, the bigger picture is not the vaccine. It is about the passport. Some know this. Most don't. "Freedom is another word for nothing left to lose."
September 2024
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